PAST UIP Projects

Potential Expansion of CWPU UIP


UIP: Jody George, UIP Vice Chair; Darla Stevens, UIP Trustee; Juan Esparza, UIP Auditor; Sylvia Hubbard, Benefits Program Administrator

Alliant: Schuyler Briscoe, Eric Buxton, Kerri Coyle, Kim Chawes, Lesley Henry

Legal Counsel: George Cicotte, The Cicotte Law Firm

Project timeline:

  • May 13, 2021 - UIP trustee meeting: Project goal and overview (Meeting Materials)

  • July 28/29, 2021 – Recommendation to the UIP trustees

  • July 30, 2021 – Recommendation to the CWPU managers (Meeting Materials)

subcommittee meeting materials & notes

Sample Forms and Agreements